Monday, June 4, 2012

Why the Filibuster is unnecessary and provides an unfair advantage

New random thought - Why do we need the "Filibuster" rule?  If all states are represented by two senators, no matter the geological or population size, doesn't that already provide smaller states an equal voice if they oppose or support legislation?  In the least, I content there is no need for a filibuster in the Senate.

 In the house of representatives, one can make an argument supporting the filibuster because there are many more representatives from New York, California, Texas and Florida.  If there was not a filibuster rule, these states could form a caucus or consortium to pass laws that favor their constituent industries and people.

I actually think the campaign finance law is fair, but unnecessary.  Why let organizations that can't vote or don't pay taxes promote any agenda or candidate?  That doesn't make sense.  It's like representation without taxation.  They exercise free speech, but have none of the responsibilities.  Theses should not be tax exempt organizations, since they can promote policies that may actually do harm than good.  They can say whatever they want, but they should be held responsible like everyone else.